So, this site has come to be because of my venture into the world of network marketing and of learning how to channel my creatitivity into things that may help to generate some income for me. It will become my voice, my shoutout to the world about what I am doing and why. Do you want to know my WHY?
Read on ……..
My driving passion is to save dogs. When we moved from Melbourne to Cairns 12 years ago I discovered so many dogs roaming the streets that I felt compelled to do something about it. Finding a stray that I had to hand in was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I found out nobody claimed it and it was euthanased. Together with my husband we formed the Australian Pet Registry which was a website database that people could register to join and they could enter their pet’s details including a photo, description, chip number and their own details. That way if anyone found their dog they could search our website and, if they found the dog, they could log in and contact the owner. This sidestepped the pound and put the power back in the owner and the finder’s hands. This to us meant less fines, less fees and less dogs being killed. At the time we owned a kelpie/cattle dog x and a cattle dog and had a particular fondness for these breeds and we ran a forum on the internet for cattle dog lovers. Through this forum, and enabling cattle dog rescue in the USA, we discovered a passion for rescue here in Australia and from that we moved our organisation from what it was to what it is now, a national rescue organisation based on a foster care network saving thousands of the working dog breeds every single year. My passion is to stop the euthanasia of healthy, rehomable dogs in council pounds and shelters and to educate the rural communities that a failed working dog is not a liability. It doesn’t need to be disposed of. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. We will take that dog and find it a home that will suit it where someone will love it until the end of its natural life.
This is what drives me every single day. My WHY is this and everything else is gravy on top.
Currently I live on acreage in Ballan, Victoria, with my husband, Carey, and our several farm dogs and whatever foster dog/s we happen to have on board. I often post about our dogs and foster dogs on Facebook but will periodically share my news on here also.
The only drawback is that rescue doesn’t pay much so this site is here to help promote what I do outside of the work I do every day saving lives.
You can catch me on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook via the links below.